Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Early morning randoms.

It's 7:38 am! I can't believe I'm up this early after how late I went to bed last night, or should I say this morning. Its like this every morning. I wake up super-early and can'get back to sleep and then at some point during the day, usually mid afternoon, I hit a wall. Nevertheless, I'm up early again.
I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with this blog. I have one on myspace, another on blogger and I have one on facebook, which I rarely use. The problem is no one reads those ones. 
I've got poems on there that probably haven't seen the light of day. It's kind of sad, writing for an unknown audience and knowing that it all falls on deaf ears.
I went to karaoke last night and I sang two songs, the songs I'm doing in a Victorian Fire Appeal concert and was going to try a new song last night, but I didn't get a chance. The problem with good karaokes is that everyone flocks to them and you don't get many songs in. I've been to bad ones and got heaps and sounded really bad and wound up with no voice, so I don't know what is worse. 
My life is kind of mundane. I wake up early, go on the computer, write stuff, go on Facebook, write more stuff, go into the fanfic sites, check for new refiews and possiby find another interesting story on the site and then I watch TV, til I crash. Then I go out to karaoke, or If there is none on, I stay home and watch TV while my hubby works nights at Pizza Hut. 
Then I fall asleep on the couch again and when I wake up I lay there and try to wake up enough to find energy to go to bed. It's kind of sad, really what my life has become. 
I'm currently waiting to hear back about a traineeship with the local council, which I think will be a rewarding change. I just hope I'm right when I tell people I've got a good chance of getting it.

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